Breed: Irish Setter

Age: Adult

Sex: M

Size: M
Picasso a été abandonné à la fourrière et allait se faire euthanasier. Il mérite une seconde chance, car il est un chien avec un bon caractère, affectueux, enjoué et amical avec tout le monde. Il n'a aucun problème de comportement. Il adore jouer et courir, il est à la recherche d&#;une famille active comme lui. Il aime jouer avec les autres chiens, plus il y a d'amis, plus il est content, il ne se chicane jamais. Il n'est aucunement possessif, il partage tout!! C&#;est un très bon chien de famille.
Picasso was abandoned at the pound and was about to be euthanized. He deserves a second chance because he has a good personality, he is affectionate, playful and friendly with everyone. He doesn&#;t have any behaviour problems. He loves to run and play, and he is looking for a family as active as he is. He loves to play with other dogs, the more canine friends, the better; he doesn&#;t get into fights. He is not possessive, in fact, he shares everything! He would make a great family dog.

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Contact: Quelle vie de chien Dog Life Rescue | Saint-Anicet, QC